Owner/Operator - Tyler Merkel

Tyler started loving plants as a child, stealing sword ferns from nearby forests and empty lots, and dragging them home in brown paper Safeway bags to build his own forest. His first cub scout badge was gardening, and he continued his pursuits through high school, working with plants in his first job, from 12 years old. Plants provided and paid his way through university, and inevitably enveloped him as his true vocation. Under the guidance of local plant celebrity, Thomas Hobbs, Tyler learned what beauty really was, which laid the foundation for a lifelong attachment to nature. After university, Tyler was lucky enough to work with some of the best gardeners in the city, learning everything he could along the way.  Tyler has travelled the US, South America, Europe and japan in search of inspiration for his work. To hone his skills, Tyler has enrolled in countless classes and weekend workshops up and down the West coast, and attended numerous lectures of the travelling garden greats over the past 16 years. Embedded in Vancouver`s plant culture and clubs, Tyler has found his true niche and home.

Blessed with doing what he loves, Tyler blends the teachings of his Vancouver based garden mentors, his studies of famous plantings worldwide and his own flavour for seasonal blasts of flair and excitement, to create textural compositions that offer surprises and attractions throughout the seasons. Having experience with indoor container planting, indoor display work, outdoor containers, garden design, greenhouse care and project management, Tyler is the best choice to sponsor change in your yard, and to renew your passion for your own garden by transforming it to a sacred space or sanctuary.

Our News

We`re very flattered to announce that we`ve been recognized with some awards. Special thanks to our beautiful city, for it`s recognition and appreciation of our work. We`re more inspired than ever, knowing that following one`s heart, and doing what we love, has had such a positive outcome!

Thank you Vancouver, and the Westender!

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